Discord Bots

We are the Discord bot developing team that love making new and original ideas for bots that no one else has thought of! We strive to make bots that people find entertaining and enjoyable, including features such as: apps, roleplay help, simulations, and more. We regularly release new bots for people to add to their servers, almost all bots with the trusted verified check mark next to their name. User privacy and information is our main theme, hense why we make sure our databases are as secure as possible. Our logo is a dragon, using the theme of protection and knowledge to make sure our users feel the safest they can whilst using Drákon bots.


We also make websites, just like this one. The goal of these websites is to give information about our projects, and recently, we've been working on an information page about different communities that can be difficult to understand. These pages are not completed or released yet, so keep your eyes peeled 👀


A game commonly played by our team is Minecraft. Some of us enjoy the command/command block aspect of it, while some of us enjoy making our own datapacks.
We have a modded Minecraft server running almost 24/7 with the main theme being Origins. We have custom origins that you can select, and the ones of which we have made, you can find here.


Dragon Nest#0666 - The main owner and overseer of all the projects

ShadowChaos - Host of many of the bots, and aids with keeping things in order

『 PoroUsedSnax 』 - The main dev of Penguin Powered and aid to many other aspects of Drákon