Normal commands: s! Permission commands: ss! Owner/Admin commands: sss!
Banning, kicking, muting, giving roles, welcoming, leave announcing and a few more
User information, server information, googling, avatar collecting and lots of random but useful commands
Fanfiction making, free nitro pranks, picking from 2 options, shipping and getting random cat pictures
Hugging, kissing, biting, killing, eating, booping, licking and dabbing
Head or tails, russian roulette, dice, fighting, rock paper scissors and jokes Actions commands include: Hugging, kissing, biting, killing, eating, booping, licking and dabbing
Global and server specific. Global commands are just the server commands with g in front. s!work would be changed to s!gwork Actions commands include: Hugging, kissing, biting, killing, eating, booping, licking and dabbing
Hugging, kissing, biting, killing, eating, booping, licking and dabbing
Work, crime, robbing, depositing to bank, withdrawing from the bank, balance, buying and leaderboards Actions commands include: Hugging, kissing, biting, killing, eating, booping, licking and dabbing